Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Highlight: The Children Sing

I know there are a lot of talented people out there. You'll notice I don't link. It's rather complicated and involves meeting my husband who at the time had all the possessions he owned from his entire life in one suitcase. Well the better half taught me about the freedom of decluttering and actually instilled a little phobia about too much junk. So as neurotic as it is, I don't link because I don't want to clutter up my blog. Not suggesting talented people are clutter, because they aren't. I wish I could blame my freaky notions on not having an apendex, but I do have an apendex so there is no reasonable explanation. Please forgive me if I've never linked your awesome and super website.

With that said, I did want to feature one blog that has really helped me. I love all the ideas, I love how she presents them and I love that her blog is Christ centered. It's simple and easy and well presented. If you are a Primary Chorister or just love to sing or want to learn how to make singing more of a blessing to children.... check her out.


  1. I agree about clutter!! I finally gave in and linked to EVERY amazing chorister blog to save time looking them up over and over again (now what was that blog address again?!) I love your blog, and I think it's so important to have a support system within this calling! Thanks for all of the time you put into your ideas and sharing them with us!

    Keep the creative juices flowing!


  2. Sophia, now you have me blushing! I appreciate your recommendation. I'm glad that the blog has been useful to more than my family. :o) Thank you.

  3. Sister Brittney- Thank you for all you do too! I'm sure you are a great help to a lot of people out there!

    Sister Elizabeth- No problemo! Hope you have a great weekend!

    Sister Mower- Blush on my friend. You do an awesome job. I just loving reading your site and finding stuff to do with my ladies at home!
