When I was young I always wondered why the hymns talked about an "hour" of prayer. It still sometimes seems daunting to pray for so long during one sitting. However, as I become more aware of the people around me, my prayers definitely have increased in length.
When my little boy died, this blog became a place of solace for me. I couldn't believe that so many people would take the time to offer their condolences and mourn with me.
I understand that God knows best. I understand that sometimes we don't get what we would like for the moment being. I understand we need trials and tests. I also understand the power of faith. I understand that there are miracles everyday.
This is Caleb. He was born too early.
This is his mom's blog http://twofishinabed.blogspot.com/
I think he might be one of the most handsomest little babies with those edible cheeks!!!
I just share because I hope that you will add him and his family to your prayers at night.
I share because maybe you have gone through something similar and can help.
I share because he is so beautiful and more people in the world need to know who he is. What a brave little fighter he is.
Thank you Sofia for being you!