Monday, March 26, 2018

Celebrating Holy Week (Days 1&2)

Holy Week is a time to remember the final week of The Savior's life on earth.
If we had one week to live, what would we spend our time doing?
Did The Savior do what He wanted or what Heavenly Father wanted?

For each day we have a scripture we look at.

We also have a crown of thorns (grapevine wreath with wooden toothpicks) that we use to remember The Savior. Others were so cruel to Him, but not us!! We are kind and we love The Lord! When someone does something kind we take out a toothpick.

I like simple. But meaningful.

Palm Sunday we talked about what we would do if The Savior rode into our town.
How would we feel?
What could we offer to Him?

HERE is a really interesting article about Palms
(I printed out a couple of examples of what different palms looked like.... we thought it was interesting they would burn palms in times of war- that's how important they were!)
HERE is the video of Jesus' Triumphant Entry to Jerusalem
HERE is a must read for additional insight

We also drew palm leaves and wrote things we could offer/do in special remembrance of Jesus this Holy Week.

Holy Monday is the day Jesus cleansed the temple for the 2nd time.

Is the temple a bank, grocery store, and zoo all in one convenient spot?
Why would Jesus be so upset?
What is respect and reverence?
While our home isn't a "den of thieves" what can we do to be more honest this week?

Also, when we clean this week can we have positive attitudes and be grateful for the opportunity to clean?? 
Is it possible to be prayerful while we clean?

Each day we also REVIEW what we learned from the day before. 
What stood out to us? 
What feelings did we have? 
Why is it important to know these things about Holy Week?

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