Wednesday, March 28, 2018

Celebrating Holy Week (Days 3 & 4)

Holy Tuesday

It's a good reminder that nothing is exactly set in stone when it comes to SPECIFIC days of Holy Week. We're going off a general layout of what happened in The Savior's life, so the importance is studying what happened, not necessarily the day of the week.

We did a couple reader's theaters on 3 parables Jesus taught in the temple. You can print them out for home use and other non-commercial purposes.

Spy Wednesday
John 12:3-5

Judas Iscariot was a beloved apostle of The Lord. I can't comprehend his denial of Jesus. Of his great betrayal. Of his love of money over His Savior.

On the opposite end of the spectrum, we have the story of Mary who (before Spy Wednesday, before Palm Sunday even) anointed The Lord's feet with spikenard.

I chose this scripture because it compares the attitudes and hearts of those to Jesus. 
Are we willing to consecrate all or do we love money more than anything?

Here is a link to more information about the story

What types of spys are we willing to be today?
The type to give secret service?
Or the "spi"teful type with unwilling hearts?

I challenge you to 3 acts of service today where you give all the energy of your heart!

1 comment:

  1. These are just wonderful, Sofia. Thank you so much for sharing your ideas! We are working to increase our traditions around Easter, to try to make it more like Christmas in length and depth of rejoicing, and will be implementing your ideas during Holy Week. I miss your regular posting, btw! If you ever feel inspired (and have time!) to write about Come, Follow Me and FHE and the personal development goals for the new Children and Youth program, I will be delighted to read what you share. :)
