Monday, February 25, 2008

March Primary Activity Day (Letter to witnesses/actors)

Dearest Friend,
Thank-you for taking the time to serve the children of our ward. Our primary activity day will be March 8, 2008 from 9:00 am – 11:00 am. Our theme for this activity is “Looking and finding the Savior, Jesus Christ. The true meaning of Easter.”
I have chosen ___________________________________ for you to portray the part of. We will have a room decorated for you in that character’s time and place. Please prayerfully study about this person who looked and found the Savior. You are then asked to come up with a 4-5 minute presentation AS THIS PERSON, sharing your story/ testimony about the Savior. Remember, these are children. You DO NOT need to “dumb it down”, but keep your vocabulary on a level they will understand. Please come in costume and let us know if you NEED ANY HELP!! The costume can be as simple or extravagant as you like, the idea is just to help the children visualize that person.
Teachers will be escorting the children from room to room. There are 6 different people being portrayed. Depending on how many children show up, you could be doing your presentation 3 to 6 times. We are telling the children to feel free to ask any questions, after you have finished. The total time in each room will be 7-9 minutes and the teachers will keep track of this. We will have something for you to give the children and put in their Easter baskets to help them remember who you portrayed. That something is ____________________________________________________________.
After all of the rotations from room to room, person to person, we will meet in the cultural hall for one last story, told by all of the characters together. Attached to this letter is that story/readers theatre. We will then have a song, some Easter treats focused on the resurrection from the tomb, and a closing prayer. If you could please stay for an additional 10 minutes to help clean, take down decorations, and put away chairs, that would be very much appreciated.
Again, many thanks! 1 John 4:14 says, “And we have seen and do testify that the Father sent the Son to be the Saviour of the world”. It is so very important that our children learn this, may the Spirit be with you as you prepare and teach our young ones. God bless you always!

Much Love,
Sister Lykes

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