I drive a 95' Buick and 2 of the windows don't roll down. Or up for that matter.
If I had more I'd giveaway a $1,000 shopping spree to Barnes and Noble.
Please re-read that sentence, key word if.
But the giveaway is for one of my ALL TIME favorite books!

Absolutely nothing!
However, the main character in this book reminds me of all the many wonderful and kind souls who leave such beautiful messages and thoughtful words! You are all Stargirls to me! Except the men, obviously. I will try to figure out the whole random number generator thingy, but if not, I'll be honest and just choose a number from a hat. I'll choose a winner on January 1, 2010!
So just leave a comment on what you're looking forward to in primary for the upcoming year and a way for me to get a hold of you when you win!
And I just thought I'd mention, I'm actually no longer in Primary. I'm the Relief Society Meeting Coordinator... I know, mouthful right? But I still plan on doing monthly ideas, so yeah. That's it. Thanks!
Update Jan 1. 2009 10:10 PM:
I went to random.org and used their number generator thingy...
the winner is (poms poms up!)
Katie !!
" What I am looking forward to this year in Primary is everything being new and exciting. I was just called to be the Primary President (I have never served in Primary and was the RS President right up until I was called to Primary) and I have great counselors. Our Branch just split and we are part of the new Branch that was just organized in our home town...we're so excited not to have to make the two hour round trip to church every Sunday. We've had one Sunday in our new callings and two weeks to think, read, plan, study and pray about things and I am so happily overwhelmed at where to start. I had no idea how much work goes into Primary- it is unfathomable. What a blessing Primary workers can be in the lives of children. I am so grateful and humbled to be a part of this work. This is going to be an amazing year."
December 26, 2009 9:11 PM
And can I just say I love your phrase "happily overwhelmed"! It's vocab fresh!
but because I just happen to have a extra, I again punched into the number generator thingy and....
Michelle !!
"I am truly looking forward to teaching sharing times focused around Christ and his love for us. I love the gospel and desire to share it with the children in our ward. We have such wonderful, precocious children in our primary that every week is a new adventure to find."
Thanks everyone for participating! We'll have to do this again soon! God be with you the upcoming year as you teach and inspire by the spirit!
Last week we went around visiting some less-active children from our Primary. Today one of them came to church! I'm looking forward to reaching out to those lost sheep!
We have the BEST nursery leaders in the church...no exaggeration.
I am looking forward to what they will teach our wonderful young children.
Here is just an example of what they do: http://beinglds.blogspot.com/2009/12/christmas-star-gift-from-scarletts.html
Merry Christmas to you!
(You can contact me at my blog if I luck out! :)
We love books and are also doing a book/activity advent countdown each day with our kids...ages 4, 2, and 1...I blog about that too...come check us out!
We just found out that they are switching us two ages up next year, meaning we get our kids back from last year. We are very excited (we loved that class.) I am also looking forward to delving into the deep docrines of the Old Testament with them.
I love your blog, btw, and your sweet spirit.
After teaching my very first Sharing Time (I am brand new in Primary), I look forward to it being much easier the next time around. Thanks to your amazing ideas, I was able to get my mind moving in the right direction and was thankful the kids cooperated, and I survived.
:) It was quite nerve-racking.
Now I can focus on getting to know and serving the children in the ward and less on my nerves being up in front of them! Thanks again. And good luck in your RS calling. Merry Christmas!
I am in RS now too - would love if you share some of your (formerly known as) Enrichment ideas!
I already have the book (and love it too) so take me out of drawing!
Merry Christmas!!
Hi I am looking forward to the whole theme. It is going to be a great testimony builder for everyone!
I'm SO excited about this year's theme! I just can't get enough of the new song we're learning this year. It's so powerful! Thanks for all of your hard work in Primary....good luck with your new calling. "Stargirl" is a great book and would love to add it to my collection.
I don't serve in primary, but I appreciate my children's teachers and songleader so much! They learn so much from them. I love your site for fhe and keeping up on what themes are in primary. Thank you for your service! You are great!!
I double on the sharing formerly enrichment now relief society activity ideas!
Yesterday we invited the Primary children to sing at the retirement home sacrament meeting after our church. They sang the two Christmas songs we had chosen for our sacrament meeting. It was absolutely perfect. I would say the Spirit was stronger even than in our sacrament meeting. And the residents loved it. I am looking forward to making that a more regular activity. I think we will go and sing "He Sent His Son" the week before Easter, and "I Know That My Savior Loves Me" in September or October.
Having one sharing time instead of two!
I am looking forward to the new theme and the wonderful music that always goes with the themes.
I LOVE this book! It's one of my favorites :) If I win this I'm gifting it to my younger cousin who has yet to read it.
Next year I just hope I manage to be able to pay for my college classes. And to pass them of course! I'm trying hard to not be such a procrastinator, work efficiently (at my job and school), and still keep up with my blog.
I am the chorister, and I am looking forward to learning all of the new songs, and am excited about some new songs we get to learn. We have the best, at least I think so, primary kids, just love them!!!
Keri Miller
The Children, the children, the children! They are the best part about primary. The songs we learn and the themes we teach are great but its the kids that give them meaning.
I am looking forward to sharing the new theme with the children this year! I think that it's more important than ever for the kids to truly understand that our Savior lives and loves them. Many adults don't even fully realize this. Thanks for all of the great ideas on your blog! :D
We've had the nursery kids who are coming into Primary next year come for just the Singing Time portion the last two weeks. It will be lots of fun teaching them some new songs :D
Looking forward to another great year with all FIVE of my kids in Primary!
What am I looking forward to? My new calling in Nursery! I was released from the Primary Presidency as well, and asked to keep up the Conference Packet, so I understand your small print comment on the bottom of this post. It is so inspiring...
I have definitely enjoyed using your ideas. They were practical and invited the Spirit. I appreciated that you know the children are capable above many expectations.
I wish you the best in your new calling.
coloroftheskyinmyworld (at) gmail (dot) com
I would love to have my own copy of this book...I have checked it out from the library twice only needing to return it before I could get into it.
Looking forward to the new theme, new songs and Old Testament. It's going to be a great year! jelynn@telus.net
Merry CHristmas and thanks for the great ideas.
I am looking forward to the new theme; to helping the Primary children grow closer to their Savior and to do the same myself.
Thank you for all of the time you put into your blog - your ideas bless us as leaders so much. Merry Christmas to you and your family! janelwillis@netzero.net
This will be my second year as primary pres. so I am looking forward to knowing how things will go and focusing on the kids more. Love the theme for 2010!
I'm looking forward to my son being in Sunbeams. It will be sco much fun to be able to watch him in primary.
Thanks for your wonderful blog. I use your ideas all the time.
I am truly looking forward to teaching sharing times focused around Christ and his love for us. I love the gospel and desire to share it with the children in our ward. We have such wonderful, precocious children in our primary that every week is a new adventure to find.
I am a member of a teeny tiny branch. I'm looking forward to teaching the kids more songs they've never heard (!) and also starting up a singing program for the nursery. Also, my daughter has just started nursery, so I am looking forward to teaching her songs.
I'm the primary chorister as well, I love my calling. I'm most excited for the new year because my little son will be joining the Sunbeams. I can't wait to see his cute face sitting in front of me while we sing. Also very excited to teach the new song "I Know that my Savior Loves me" Such a great song.
I'm looking forward to all the newbies coming in from nursery and being able to work with my awesome presidency!!
ps Thank you for all your wonderful ideas. good luck in your new calling...
I look forward to having the opportunity of seeing each of our Primary children's eyes as they are taught about the Savior in 2010. The Spirit is definitely always present and bears witness to the testimony that "Our Savior does live."
I am looking forward to the new years theme! I am still new to this calling and am looking forward to it being a much smother year!
I'm looking forward to splitting into jr and sr primary (we have way too many kids in a way too small room)and the switch to sacrament meeting first (now we should have all the teachers when primary starts)!
What a lovely blog! Thanks for the ideas and inspiration...especially since you've moved on to other pastures.
I'm looking forward to finally getting our Primary fully staffed. We've been trying for eight months. Prayers needed.
What I am looking forward to this year in Primary is everything being new and exciting. I was just called to be the Primary President (I have never served in Primary and was the RS President right up until I was called to Primary) and I have great counselors. Our Branch just split and we are part of the new Branch that was just organized in our home town...we're so excited not to have to make the two hour round trip to church every Sunday. We've had one Sunday in our new callings and two weeks to think, read, plan, study and pray about things and I am so happily overwhelmed at where to start. I had no idea how much work goes into Primary- it is unfathomable. What a blessing Primary workers can be in the lives of children. I am so grateful and humbled to be a part of this work. This is going to be an amazing year.
I was just released from Primary a few weeks ago, and now I'm in the RS presidency. I'll surely miss primary. Thanks for all your great ideas - I used them regularly for sharing times. I'll continue to check your blog though. One of my daughters just read Love, Star Girl because we bought it from the school book orders and now realize that reading Star Girl would be a really fun book to read too! Even if we don't win it we will still read it. Hope you had a Merry Christmas.
I was called as the Primary Chorister 5 weeks before the primary program!!! I was scared to death!!! It is the one calling in the church that I have ALWAYS wanted though, and so I was secretly soooo stinkin excited! I absolutely LOVE my calling but now see how hard it can be at times, especially in JR primary. I am going to try and really pray and put forth a LOT more effort in teaching the songs and really asking for the spirit to be there to help me get across the message that "I know the Saviour Loves me". I am just really excited for this next year and all the brand new songs. I cry all the time when I hear those sweet little kids sing the songs with such conviction and love.....it really is Heaven!
I am looking forward to seeing the children gain a testimony of their Savior as we discuss and learn about Him this coming year. Thank you for your time and efforts on this blog - it's wonderful!
Hello! I am most excited about witnessing the children's spiritual growth this coming year and experiencing it with them. I love the new theme and am excited to help them draw closer to Christ. Thank you for sharing your amazing blog!
I'm looking forward to working with the children for another year! They are so amazing, and I learn so much from them!
I've been teaching in primary for years now, and just got called to be in the presidency. I'm so glad they are letting me stay even longer.
I am looking forward to this year's theme. I love learning and teaching about the Savior especially to children. Their Christ-like innocence is my example.
If you have any ideas for our bulletin board, I'd love for you to pass them on. Thanks for this wonderful blog and sharing your talents.
Looking forward to the children learning new songs. Primary music is the best!
Oops, forgot to mention... you may use my google acount/blog to contact me. If I should be so lucky! :) Thanks.
I've never read or heard of this book :( Can someone tell me what its about at least? Pretty please with cheeries on top!
Just found your blog. YAY! Wonderful ideas. Thanks for helping brainstorm as I plan my sharing time lessons for January.
:) You are cute. I'm looking forward to teaching the new songs this year and helping the kids strengthen their testimony... It seems to me when they more fully understand the LOVE our Savior has for them, they will in turn LOVE him more.
p.s. my 99 van driver side window doesn't go down or up... but at least in this 15* weather it is stuck up! Kind of obnoxious at McD's, but hey, the car moves and fits all the kids. :)
pps, my word verif is grati! So, Thanks!
I am a new Primay President of three weeks and have been looking all over the net for other's more advanced ideas than my own. I was so worried about my first sharing time, so worried about the organization of all the 2010 binders and lessons, so worried about if all those tender little eyes looking up at me are feeling what I teach them. I was so worried about getting the closet cleaned out and so worried about being so worried. I am still "so worried" but now I have faith and know that the Lord will teach me to know what to do and will guide me every step of the way. That's why I appreciate people like yourself who make my "worries" a little less. This year Im looking forward to seeing every child learn about our Savior and Im also looking forward to see my growth as I learn more about the Savior also, because, teachers are truly the students.
Thank you,
You may reach me at:
hegwaters (at) (gmail) (dot) (com)
love that book, I'm going to be more organized this year, and looking forward to that
I'm looking forward to writing the Primary Sacrament Program script.
(why does everyone think I'm being sarcastic when I say that? I really, really am excited about it.)
I am looking forward to starting the year with a fully staffed Primary! Looks like an interesting book. If I happen to be the lucky winner my e-mail is kejc@netzero.net
Thanks for all your great ideas!
I really am looking forward to being in charge of sharing time a few months out of the year in 2010and there is not a better theme for the year than "I know my Savior Lives". I am new to primary and have never had a calling that was so important. I'm very nervous because I'm doing sharing time for the month of January, but extremely grateful that I found your blog. Thanks!
Jesus is The Christ! This is what I would like the children to learn in 2010. He is the way back to Our Heavenly Father's home.
I am looking forward to having a fully operational primary with all callings finally filled and having a cubscout program up and running.
We have really awesome teachers this year (we did last year as well, but we have new teachers this year) and I am so excited for the children to be in the right class.
I love the format of the 2010 outline!
Hope I'm not too late to get in on the action...best of all things to you in 2010!!
It's still Jan 1 so I hope I'm not too late!
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