Thursday, January 21, 2010

February 2010 LDS Primary Sharing Time Helps and Ideas

Gospel Art Book Jesus Calms the Storm

Monthly Theme: Jesus Christ is my Savior and Redeemer.
Monthly Scripture: "For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life." John 3:16

Ideas are seperated by *'s. I'm not saying to use all *'d ideas in a lesson. Pick and Choose my friends. Pick and choose. AND DON'T FORGET TO BEAR TESTIMONY!!! Of all subjects these are most important for you to BEAR TESTIMONY at the end of your lesson!!!

Week 1 Jesus Christ is my Savior and Redeemer.

* Have __________is my Savior and Redeemer. written on the chalk board. As children come in write their names all over the chalk board. When it's time to start, talk about some of the beautiful names on the board. Add a few more names to the list that they can think of. But what is the name that fills in the blank of our sentence?

Read Mosiah 5:8 " ....There is no other name given whereby salvation cometh; therefore, I would that ye should take upon you the name of Christ, all you that have entered into the covenant with God that ye should be obedient unto the end of your lives."

* Foam Finger Pointer. ($1 at the Dollar Store or you can make a large one out of a grocery paper bag) Invite a child to come to the front and wear the foam finger. Sing -you can do it by yourself, invite the other adults or have the children open up page # 103 in the Hymn book and sing too! In Hymn # 103 Precious Savior, Dear Redeemer, there are some words that are repeated. Have the child wearing the foam finger point to a picture anywhere in the room that these repeated words describe. Children sitting down can also use their pointer finger when the repeated word is sung.
What were the repeated words?

* Have a few children come up to the front. Have a blue towel, an airplane, a large rock... Sing Hymn # 104, Jesus, Savior, Pilot me. Have a child fly the airplane through the stormy waters (children waving towel) while holding the hand of another child who is holding a picture of Christ.
Talk about THIS story (Captain Sullenberger and US Airways Flight 1549) with the children. It even has pictures! Was he a pretty awesome Pilot? Just as that pilot saved the lives of so many people, Jesus Christ is our Savior and Redeemer ready to lead us and pilot us to safety.

* Turn off the lights. Is anyone afraid of the dark? Has anyone had a scary experience in the dark? Joseph Smith sure did! Yet we know Jesus Christ saved Joseph Smith from the dark and that "The Lord is my light and my salvation; whom shall I fear? the Lord is the strength of my life; of whom shall I be afraid?" (Psalms 27:1) Turn on the lights.

* Look at the church logo. What stands out? How important is Jesus Christ to us and the church?

"There cannot be any doubt in the heart of a Latter-day Saint regarding Jesus Christ's being the Son of the living God... Any individual who does not acknowledge Jesus Christ as the Son of God, the Redeemer of the world, has no business to be associated with the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints." (Heber J. Grant, Gospel Standards, 23-24) Woah!Pretty important!!

* What does Savior and Redeemer mean? Those are big words!

* Show the children a picture of a boat round life saver. Ask them what is it? How is this picture like Jesus Christ? Have the GAK picture of Jesus stilling the storm. Prepare questions, put songs to sing and scriptures to read based on Jesus Christ is our Savior and Redeemer on different paper life savers around the GAK picture for the children to come choose and answer. At the end of the lesson life saver candies might be appropriate to pass out! AT YOUR DISCRETION!!! Remember " What is the policy for food in Primary? Food should only be provided when it is included as part of a lesson or as a snack for the children in the nursery class. Be sure to consult with the parents of each child about any dietary restrictions that may be caused by conditions such as diabetes or allergies" (see Church Handbook of Instructions, Book 2, 239).

* Click HERE and scroll down to week 2 ideas

Week 2 and 3 Through the Atonement of Jesus Christ, all mankind may be saved.

* SING the 3rd Article of Faith song. Have the children use their arms to raise or lower as they sing the notes. Notice how the ending of the song they must raise their arms, just like the Atonement will raise and save us in the end after all we can do!

* "No doctrine in the gospel is more important than the Atonement of Jesus Christ. If the gospel were compared to a wheel, the Atonement would be the hub and all other doctrines would be the spokes emanating from the hub." (Doctrines of the Gospel Student Manual , pg. 22) Draw a picture of this on the chalk board to illustrate.

* Pass out a sheet of blank paper and some crayons. Invite the children to draw or write whatever they feel as you sing them a song. Sing Hymn #193 I Stand All Amazed. (Or have a special guest come in and sing) Invite children to finish and share their work while the piano player quietly plays the song. In between children coming up to the front and sharing, read scriptures having to do with the Atonement like 2 Nephi 9:21, Mosiah 3:7, Matthew 26:39, etc.

* Have a few items on a table for a child to buy. Give them 5 tickets. All items for sale cost 100 tickets. Can they buy the items with 5? Lo siento cuate... sorry man, it's a no go! This is called falling short. And likewise we, by ourselves, will never do or have enough tickets to get into heaven.

"Each of us lives on a kind of spiritual credit. One day the account will be closed, a settlement demanded. However casually we may view it now, when that day comes and the foreclosure is imminent, we will look around in restless agony for someone, anyone, to help us. And by eternal law, mercy cannot be extended save there be one who is both willing and able to assume our debt and pay the price and arrange the terms for our redemption... But know this: Truth, glorious truth, proclaims there is such a Mediator. For there is one God, and one mediator between God and me, the man Christ Jesus. (1 Tim. 2:5)" (Boyd K. Packer, Ensign, May 1977, 55-56)

* Here is a lesson on the Atonement from the Primary 3: Choose the Right B manual.

* Here is a lesson on the Atonement from the Primary 7: New Testament manual.

* Flip through a magazine. Let children rip out a picture of a random person and stand in front holding the picture. Have them come up 2 at a time to do this. Can these strangers and random people be saved? HOW? Invite a child to recite the 3rd article of faith, emphasize ALL MANKIND.

* 3 Nephi 27:19 "And no unclean thing can enter into his kingdom; therefore nothing entereth into his rest save it be those who have washed their garments in my blood, because of their faith, and the repentance of all their sins, and their faithfulness unto the end."

Have a demonstration on how to get something clean... like having a white shirt and removing stains with a bleach pen. (Do it at home first to make sure it will work!!) Let the children use the pen to remove the stains as they answer questions, sing songs and read scriptures having to do with the atonement.

* Have the pianist play Hymn #339 My Country, 'Tis of Thee. What price was paid for our freedom here in this country? How many wars have we had? How much blood has been shed for us to live the way we do? Encourage children to look for special hats of Veterans and thank them for their service to our country. Invite some Young Men in to talk about the importance of showing respect for the flag.

Even a greater blood was shed for our freedom. Display a picture of Christ in Gethsemane. Even greater reverence and respect should be shown for The Merciful One who has saved us.

Have an American flag. When we see our flag, we show reverence and think about what our great country means to us. Have popsicle sticks with white paper attached. Let the children create flags to help remember the Atonement of Christ. Have them share with their families and put in a spot where it will help them remember throughout the week of Jesus and His sacrifice to save us. As we sometimes stop and stand during the raising of the American flag... do so at home every time you walk by your flag and take the moment to thank Heavenly Father in silent prayer for our Redeemer. And for other countries, please tailor to your wonderful country's flag!

Week 4 Jesus Christ was resurrected, and I will be too.

* Bring in a tank of helium and 10-12 balloons. Check with priesthood on this! We don't want to blow up any church buildings, so make sure to get pre-approval. Have a list of 10-12 total questions, songs and scriptures having to do with the Resurrection. Can a balloon rise without helium? So we can't rise without Jesus Christ!! As the children answer questions, sing or read scriptures, invite them to the front, blow up the balloon and let the child let go of it so all can see it rise.

Alma 11:41 "...For behold, the day cometh that all shall rise from the dead and stand before God, and be judged according to their works."

* Click HERE and scroll down to the week 3 ideas.

* Divide into groups and give each group 10 verses each in Luke chapter 24. Have a picture of the resurrected Christ and draw lines from it as the children share what this chapter teaches us about the resurrection. Ideas might include:
"Jesus Christ is a resurrected being who is able to vanish and reappear, walk, reason, stand, speak, ask questions, respond, read the mind of others, command and instruct from the scriptures.... Jesus also has a tangible body of flesh and bones that can be seen and felt by others and that can eat the food of mortals." (Jay Parry & Donald Parry, Understanding Death and the Resurrection, pg.243)

So out of all these ideas what do you look forward to most as a resurrected being?

* Have a picture of a sign "Dead End". What does this mean? Have a plastic toy bulldozer. How is Jesus Christ like a bulldozer? To some it may seem like when we die, there is no where else to go. But we know that there is more beyond the grave and Jesus has cleared the way because of His atonement and resurrection! Have the bulldozer run over the dead end sign!

* A WONDERFUL short video to show "Sunday will Come", click HERE!!

* A wonderful idea from Cheryl Esplin, Jesus Christ Is My Savior,” Friend, Apr 2009, 10–12 "Beforehand and with approval of the bishop or branch president, invite a member who has experienced the death of a loved one to bear testimony of what the Resurrection means to him or her.

Put the following GAK pictures in a pile in the following order with 227 on top: GAK 227 (Jesus Praying in Gethsemane), GAK 228 (The Betrayal of Jesus), GAK 230 (The Crucifixion), GAK 231 (Burial of Jesus), GAK 233 (Mary and the Resurrected Lord), GAK 234 (Jesus Shows His Wounds), and GAK 316 (Jesus Teaching in the Western Hemisphere).

While the pianist plays “Beautiful Savior” (pp. 62–63), have the children pass around a small stone. Tell them it is symbolic of the stone rolled in front of the opening of Christ’s tomb. When the music stops, have the child holding the stone take the picture from the top of the pile and tell about it or choose someone to help. Continue for each picture, pausing after GAK 234 to sing the second verse of “On a Golden Springtime” (p. 88) and to read Luke 24:39 in unison.

Have the children feel their hands to help them understand that after Jesus was resurrected, the Apostles could feel His hands just as the children can feel their own hands. Continue with the rest of the pictures. Teach that because of the Atonement of Jesus Christ, everyone who has ever lived on the earth will be resurrected. Have the invited guest bear testimony. Sing “Did Jesus Really Live Again?” (p. 64). At the end of the third verse, have the children stand when singing the words “Oh yes! And so shall I!”


Melanie said...

Thank you so much for the effort you put into sharing your talents. I enjoy reading your blog and the wonderful ideas that you post.

Anonymous said...

These are incredible ideas. Thank you so very much for what you do on this blog. You are appreciated!

Lindsay said...

Thank you for all your great ideas. you put so much time and effort into this to help out others. It is appreciated.

Picture Perfect said...

I rely so much on your blog to help me with my Sharing Times. Thank you so much, I get overwhelmed sometimes with everything going on in my life, calling, and family that it's nice to find the help I need for my lessons.

scrapwordsmom said...

Thanks so much for these amazing ideas. I am passing them along to my Presidency!!!

Mike and Rachel DeVore said...

Thanks for the ideas and resources! you are great!

Sofia's Primary Ideas said...

Sister Melanie- Thank YOU for all the effort you put in! I enjoy reading your blog also!

Thanks Anonymous- I appreciate you taking the time to brighten my day!

Sister Lindsay- Thank you! What a beautiful family you have!! Great profile picture!

Sister Picture Perfect- Good tip for being overwhelmed: stop, turn on some reggae and picture the beach. :) Hope you have a wonderful day!!

Sister Scrapwordsmom- Thank you! Pass along a big hug to them too!

Sister Devore- Thank you! YOU are great!!

Logan and Traci Wood said...

Thank you, thank you, thank you! I adore your blog and although the ideas from the sharing time outline are helpful...I get a little boost on the way I prepare each lesson when I pull up your blog. By combining both resources the lessons turn out more meaningful and the children truly enjoy them but are spiritually fed to the fullest...I love that!!! Thank you!

Unknown said...

Thank you for these wonderful ideas! I just found your blog off of Sugardoodle, which didn't have many ideas for week 4. I'll be checking back often!

Michelle said...

I also wanted to thank you for the wonderful ideas on your blog.

I was just called as primary pres. & appreciate your helps. (you are bookmarked on both my computers :D )

Renee Campbell said...

You are such an amazing woman and I just want to thank you for all your heartfelt ideas. Your wonderful efforts are appreciated deeply.

Freston Family said...

For week 2 & 3 I used the sing to the children while they draw or write something. This turned out so wonderful. One little girl drew herself in a hole with a latter and it was Jesus at the top ready to pull her out. This brought tears to my eyes. Teaching of the Atonement to the children has been so wonderful and am so thankful that I get to teach the month of February's Sharing Time.

Ashlie n Jonathan said...

THANK YOU! I have never been to your site before, but I was kind of stuck with the limited material given in the sharing time manual for my lesson. I googled around and found your site. I am excited and think I now have a super fun lesson that will allow the children to learn and feel the spirit. Thanks for saving me! I will be back!!! =) You took a LOT of time and effort. I am so impressed and THANK YOU!

Danette said...

You are an amazing, talented, and giving person to dedicate so much time and effort to this wonderful blog! I used your idea and had a sister sing "I Stand All Amazed" while the children wrote notes to take home with them. Not a dry adult eye in the room when it was over! I later was blessed with a thank-you note from a mom of one of our soon to be baptized 8 year olds telling me of her daughter's experience of the Spirit bearing testimony to her during sharing-time of the Savior. What a wonderful moment. Thank you for being a part of it!

~jan said...

I love your blog and read it "religiously" I wish you had a little 'Sofia' button I could add to my blog layout - hint, hint :)

Thanks for all your help in making my primary calling easier and more enjoyable.

Miss Kelli said...

We did the stone passing, GAK pictures sharing time last week and the kids loved it. I was actually very surprised at how much these primary kids know. They amazing me every week!!!