Image courtesy creative commons license flickr.com by visual.dichotomy May 2009
March Monthly Theme : Heavenly Father Speaks to Us through His Prophets.March Monthly Scripture: “What I the Lord have spoken, I have spoken, . . . whether by mine own voice or by the voice of my servants, it is the same” D&C 1:38
Weeks 1 and 2 Prophets Speak for Heavenly Father.
* Have a list of cleaning chores around the home. Dusting, washing dishes, vacuuming, laundry, etc. Can mom do these all by herself? Sure! Would it be better if she had helpers? Heavenly Father could clean the world all by Himself, but He has prophets as His special helpers.
Have a bucket full of cleaning supplies. Invite children to come up and choose items. On the cleaning items have questions, scriptures and songs having to do with Prophets speak for Heavenly Father.
D&C 88:74 "...Yea, purify your hearts, and cleanse your hands and your feet before me, that I may make you clean"
* Exodus 4:12 "Now therefore go, and I will be with thy mouth, and teach thee what thou shalt say."
Make a simple board game of Moses and His life. Have about 25 squares starting in Egypt and leading to the promise land. Make 5 of those squares red (if landed on you sing a song about prophets) To move forward the primary has to answer questions and read scriptures on how Moses spoke for Heavenly Father.
Such questions could include:
1. How did the Lord first appear to Moses? (Burning Bush)
2. Who raised Moses? (Pharaoh's Daughter)
3. Why did the children of Israel need to leave Egypt? (They were slaves)
4. What did plagues did Moses curse Egypt because Pharaoh hardened his heart against the Lord?
( frogs, famine, blood in water, locusts, death to firstborn sons, fire hail, etc.)
4. Moses was "slow of speech", who did Heavenly Father send to help him speak to the people? (Aaron)
6. What did Israel do while Moses was getting the 10 commandments? (made a golden calf)
7. How did God punish the Israelites because they would not listen to His voice? (wandered in the wilderness 40 years)
8. What do prophets often do to hear the word of the Lord- hint: It's something we can do too!! (Pray and read scriptures)
9. Did Moses enter into the promised land? (No)
10. Read Moses 33:11. What do we learn about Jesus? (Jesus has a face and a body and speaks to us like friends!)
* Mystery Prophets: Have the children divide into small groups. Let them draw the name of a prophet from a hat. They have to draw a picture of the prophet and come up with hints for the primary to guess what prophet they had.
No matter who the prophet, they all speak for Heavenly Father!
* Luke 1:70 "As he spake by the mouth of his holy prophets, which have been since the world began:"
Have a giant timeline. Have small cutouts of different prophets. Let children come to the front and put them in the right spot on the timeline. Have children say a couple things they know about that prophet.
* Have a guest come in, dressed as an ancient prophet. The guest will give a short 3-5 minute presentation as Enoch. Have the guest specifically mention:
“When Enoch had heard these words, he bowed himself to the earth, before the Lord, and spake before the Lord, saying: Why is it that I have found favor in thy sight, and am but a lad, and all the people hate me; for I am slow of speech; wherefore am I thy servant?” (see Moses 6:26–31).
“And the Lord said unto Enoch: Go forth and do as I have commanded thee. … Open thy mouth, and it shall be filled, and I will give thee utterance. … Behold my Spirit is upon you, wherefore all thy words will I justify; … and thou shalt abide in me, and I in you; therefore walk with me” (Moses 6:32, 34).
Have the children then draw a picture of what they think the City of Enoch looks like!
* For Senior Primary: Have the children find something a prophet has said. Have them make up a code and write the saying in code. Have them switch with another primary child and give them a couple minutes to try to figure out what the prophet said.
1 Corinthians 2:7 "But we speak the wisdom of God in a mystery, even the hidden wisdom, which God ordained before the world unto our glory:"
How are the words of the prophets in "code" to the world?
Week 3 We are led by a living Prophet today.
* Write a letter to President Monson!!
* Watch a short clip from conference or a youtube message from President Monson.
* This is a great talk to send home with children to read with their families. (M. Russell Ballard, "Special Witness: Our Living Prophet", Friend, May 2003, 7)
* Have 4 different learning stations in the room. Assign 1 teacher per station. Have 4 different stories from the life of President Monson. At each station there should be some sort of visual. Have a simple little booklet the children can put together and add a coloring page at each station. They can then take it home and teach their families all about our living prophet today!!
* HERE are some wonderful ideas from Sister Vicki F. Matsumori!! Excellent!! Excellent!! Excellent!! I really love the mobile.
Week 4 There is safety in following the prophet.
(Note: These are recycled from a previous post)
* Prophet Safety Jeopardy
Personal opinion: I never (yes…never) had competitions in Primary. I never did teams or boys vs. girls. I always had the primary work as a family of friends, getting as many points as we could all together. The world has too many divisions. I’m for being unified and working together. But to each his own, just food for thought. I’ll step off the soapbox and encourage you to alter the following any way you like. DON’T BE LAZY. DON’T CUT AND PASTE this unless you are going to study the questions, prepare, ponder and pray if this is what the Lord wants for your primary this week.
Categories and questions:
Warning!!! Danger up ahead!!!
100 This prophet warned the people and they didn’t listen. He and his family were kept safe in an arc while the earth was completely flooded.
200 Read Mosiah 17:9-10 Abinadi warned this evil King, but was stilled burned by fire. He sealed his testimony with his own blood.
300 How does following the word of wisdom, revelation given to Joseph Smith, keep us from danger?
400 Jacob warned the Nephites of “… every kind of sin, telling them the awful consequences of them.” (Jacob 3:12) Name 3 sins and the results that can happen from making those bad choices.
Hear my Words, Learn of Christ
100 Sing Samuel Tells of the Baby Jesus (CS p.36)
200 Show GAK The Prophet Isaiah Foretells Christ’s Birth. Who is this prophet?
300 Spencer W. Kimball said this quote. Fill in the blank “ The ……… prophets, from Adam to Malachi are testifying of the divinity of the Lord Jesus Christ and our Heavenly Father. Jesus Christ was the God of the ………, and it was He who conversed with Abraham and Moses.” (Ensign, May 1977, p.76) (Answer: Old Testament)
400 What does the prophet Nephi teach you about Christ? (Encourage Senior Primary to find actual scriptures!)
Stay on the Path
100 This prophet saw a strait and narrow path leading to the tree of life. Who is the prophet or prophets and what can you do to stay on the path?
200 Sing We Thank Thee O God for a Prophet (Hymns p.19)
300 Read Mosiah 2:36-37 What can we do to have the Holy Ghost with us to guide us in wisdom’s paths?
400 DOUBLE JEOPARDY! DOUBLE POINTS!!! Name your favorite prophet and something that prophet has taught you to keep you safe.
Buckle Up with Modern Day Apostles
100 President Eyring has said, “Now, here is my counsel to children. The Lord gave you a commandment with a promise: “Honor thy father and thy mother, that thy days may be long upon the land which the Lord thy God giveth thee.” It is the only one of the Ten Commandments with a promise.”(Ensign Nov. 2009 p.72) How can you show honor to your parents or adults in your life?
200 Show a picture of the first presidency. Name these 3 men.
300 Where do we read the words of modern day apostles?
400 Sing last verse of Follow the Prophet. (CS p. 111)
Final Jeopardy Category: Safety in Following the Prophets
Final Jeopardy Question: What is something you learned today and/or can bear testimony of?
* Bring in an umbrella stroller with a seat belt. Have a demonstration where a stuffed animal is placed inside without the safety belt and pushed. Try again with the safety belt on. Prophets keep us safe by securing us in the knowledge that Christ lives and strapping us in the strength of His revelations.
* Have a large paper drawing of a child. Hang it up and add things to make it safe like a helmet, knee pads, band aids, a coat, sunscreen, sunglasses… etc. On each of the safety items have questions, songs and scriptures having to do with prophets.
I love the Prophet Safety Jeopardy. Thank You!
I used the safety gear idea with actual items in a box like umbrella, dust mask, safety glasses, knee pads, helmet, etc. Each item in the box had something the prophets have asked us to to that keeps us safe like Family Home Evening, praying, reading scriptures, dressing modestly, etc. The kids enjoyed wearing the safety gear while we discussed how the teachings of the prophets keep us safe. Thanks!
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