Saturday, April 13, 2013

Give Said the Little Stream - Song Help and Idea

I'm so excited for spring songs!!
1. Take some paper and whip out your black marker.
2. Draw a stream, a cloud with raindrops & find a picture of Jesus from The Friend to cut out.
3. Hot glue on popsicle sticks. Hot glue wiggly eyes onto your stream, cloud & raindrops. Let the children hold/wave while you sing!
Fun! And simple!


Megan said...

One thing my kids love with Give said the little stream (and to get some wiggles out) is to bounce out of your chair then sit quickly back down on all the words that start with the letter G. It's a big hit!

Unknown said...

Awesome!!! I am totally re-posting! (So I don't forget) {and I also love that bouncing G word thing going on!}. Thanks again so very much!!!!!