Sunday, December 14, 2014

2015 Primary Teacher Binders

As we're trying to get set for the new year, I thought I'd post what we put in our binders for teachers. I don't want too much "stuff" in it, but I do want them to have what they need.

For binder covers, we just make a copy of the Sharing Time Outline's front cover.

1. Primary Lesson Manual with pictures

2. Theme & Purpose of Primary (From the Handbook)
" Primary is for children ages 18 months through 11 years. The Primary theme is “All thy children shall be taught of the Lord; and great shall be the peace of thy children” (3 Nephi 22:13). The purposes of Primary are to help children:
      1. Feel Heavenly Father’s love for them.   
      2. Learn and understand the gospel of Jesus Christ.
      3. Feel and recognize the influence of the Holy Ghost.      
      4. Prepare to make and keep sacred covenants.      
Parents have the first responsibility for the spiritual and physical welfare of their children (see D&C 68:25–28). The bishopric, Primary leaders, and Primary teachers support but do not replace parents in this responsibility."
3. Class List
4. Lesson Schedule
5. Primary Substitute Teacher List
6. Time Schedule
7. Primary Presidency Information- Names and Numbers
8. Teacher Tips ( HERE for the PDF)


Anonymous said...

Thank you! This was helpful! I was putting our binders together and felt as though I was missing something but couldn't figure it out! So I checked your site...I was missing the SUB LIST!! Well that's kinda important!! haha I didn't even think about putting in the time schedule so that will be great to add as well.

Thanks again!

Cricut Cup Designs said...

As we're trying to get set for the new year, I thought I'd post what we put in our binders for teachers. I don't want too much "stuff" in it, but I do want them to have what they need.
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