Sunday, April 26, 2009

Junior Primary Verses Senior Primary Tidbit

Image of "The Hoff" courtesy a google search. He sang in 1989 on the Berlin Wall. Was he instrumental in helping end the cold war? I don't know. Perhaps those from Germany who read this blog can tell us.

One day I'll die and my children will have this blog to teach their children. Am I morbid? Yes. But teaching is important to me. And so I share my thoughts.

Here is a tidbit. If you push down on a bug, even slightly (And I'm not talking about Texas sized bugs, just normal Nevadan bugs) you will kill it.

Question: Is it necessary to put down Junior Primary to Senior Primary? For example- Oh, you learned the song soooooo much faster than Junior Primary! Or Junior Primary doesn't listen as well as Senior Primary does!

Really. What is the point of that? The only good thing that we tore down was the Berlin Wall. We don't need to do that to our children.