Month Scripture: “What I the Lord have spoken, I have spoken, . . . whether by mine own voice or by the voice of my servants, it is the same” (D&C 1:38)
* I'm such a clutz! Put together scriptures, simple phrases and pictures to tell about the biblical families. Have them in small stacks. Accidentally trip and knock over all the papers, mixing them up! Have the children come up and pick up one paper/picture at a time and decide what story stack it goes to. (For an example of a simple phrase: They loved all the animals and took very good care of them. The plants and flowers were beautiful in the garden. - then ask - Where does this go? Kind of tricky. We know Noah loved animals... but did he live in a garden?) Don’t forget to have the children say how that bible prophet teaches them how to strengthen their family!!
* Have a large arrow with the words "AND THEN...." Bring in some pictures and prepare some questions to help the children tell the stories of these families. Invite 5 children to the front. Have the first start out the story and say whatever they can think of, then they pass the arrow to the next person and say "And then!!". Don’t forget to have the children say how that bible prophet teaches them how to strengthen their family!!
* Have adults come in dressed up as that prophet. Let the children ask them questions to figure out what prophet they are supposed to be! Have the adults prepare a short summary of who they are and read a scripture relating to that prophet. Don’t forget to have the children say how that bible prophet teaches them how to strengthen their family!!
* All the ideas from Week 1 can be adjusted to fit this weeks theme.
* Do you have any books by President Monson? Gather as many as you can find! Print out talks, articles from the Ensign and other church magazines. Let the Senior Primary go through the books and see if they can find quotes from the prophet on how to strengthen the family. Give them post it notes to hold pages and spots, then have them share!
* Here is a link to the Friend. It is a wonderful article from President Monson on how to build strong testimonies. Strong testimonies lead to strong families. You could easily help the children build a road by asking them questions from the article.
* Here is another wonderful link to the Friend. It could make a great flannel board activity of the teachings of President Monson. It's important to remember that the whole world is our family. We are all brothers and sisters.
* How much do our children know about the first presidency? Have their pictures displayed and a bunch of clues to match. See if the children can guess which member the clue is about! Here is a link with some simple facts about them. Add in a couple quotes that each member has said about strengthening families and have the children guess who it belongs to! At the end of the lesson have some primary friends share something new they've learned about the members of the first presidency!
* This is a great story that President Monson told. Make paper canaries and have questions, scriptures and songs posted on the back of the birds. Our families don't have to be driving the fanciest cars or have super big homes with lots of toys, our families should have peace and inner beauty like the canary with the best song.
* President Monson talks about 3 pieces of a treasure map in a friend article found here. Make up your own treasure map to find a hidden treasure within the primary room. For the children to move to the next spot on the treasure map, they must answer questions: What have I learned from my family in the past? How can I prepare for a family in the future? How do I help with my family now? These questions can correspond to a compass (So the child will pick N, S, E or W. You could spin them and have them point... be creative) You could also have a song assigned to a point on the compass. The treasure is a picture of the temple! Families can be together forever when I listen to the prophet today and help strengthen them!
Week 4 I will hear the words of the prophets when I listen to general conference.
* Print out a bunch of different clip art black and white images children can cut out and glue stick to make a coloring book. (Take a piece of construction paper, fold in half... fill with white paper and staple... this would be the book they can add images too) As they go to conference they can take their book and listen to hear if anyone talks about the different things they are coloring! Have pictures of the apostles themselves for them to glue in too! What apostle will they get to hear?! Older children of course can make this more of a journal to write what they are thinking.
* Show short video clips (2-3 minutes each) from a past general conference. Give the children paper ears glued on popsicle sticks and paper hearts glued on popsicle sticks. When the hear something that is interesting have them raise their ear and share what they've heard. When they have felt something, have them raise their heart and share what they've felt. They can also share in partners if a lot of friends want to participate!
* Linda Olsen, “Conference Reverence Tent,” Friend, Oct 2008, 36–38... classic! Thanks Sister Olsen!
Make a large sheet tent for the children to sit under as you have someone role play King Benjamin. Encourage the children to do this at home, with the help of their parents as they listen to next month's general conference!
Thank you so much for sharing your incredable ideas, they help me so much.
Thank you for taking the time to comment! May God bless you always!
Thank you for posting all these great ideas! They really do help alot since I've just been called to Primary and and still trying to get the hang of teaching children.
Whenever it is my month to do sharing times, I always end up on your blog. Thank-you, thank-you, thank-you SO MUCH, not just for your fabulous ideas, but for taking the time to post them on a blog. As I read your ideas, I ALWAYS feel inspired and my sharing times for the month seem to come together so nicely. Thanks, again!
Hi, I can not find August Sharing time ideas. It was there and now it is gone. Is there a special way to find it. I loved the ideas you had.
Thank you
This is gay...
Thank you so much sisters! God bless you all!
Anonymous- I forgive you.
Thank you so much for sharing your ideas. They help me tons!!!
I truly appreciate your creativity thanks for your help in my sharing times!!!
Thank you so much for your ideas each month. They really help me out. I'm so busy and it gets down to friday or saturday night and I know I have to prepare something. So I just look up your page and WALLAH!! I'm good to go. And "anonymous".... really why are you wasting your time posting immature comments like that one someone's blog? Luckily Sofia is a wonderful woman who "freely forgives".
Thank you for forgiving me... I feel a great weight has been lifted from my soul.
Sister Laura, Sister Manda Mae, and Sister Hunt - Thanks so much for your kind words!
Sister/Brother Anonymous-
3 Ne. 11: 29
29 For verily, verily I say unto you, he that hath the spirit of contention is not of me, but is of the devil, who is the father of contention, and he stirreth up the hearts of men to contend with anger, one with another.
This blog will not be a place of contention. If you choose to continue posting rude and sarcastic remarks, you will be deleted. Let the words stand for now and may the angels record it for your Father in Heaven to judge.
Thanks so much for your ideas! This is the first time I've been to your site, and I love it. Thanks again!
What does "TNGC" refer to? I am assuming it is a book, but I am not sure. Thanks.
TNGC is the manual, 'Teaching, No Greater Call.' If you don't have one, you can definitely get one from the church library. Or perhaps someone can loan you a copy. You can also buy them from the Distribution Center.
And I love the replies to 'anonymous'. =)
I just visited your blog and Im so thankful for you thoughts and incite. I have prepared the material but I just needed some help with pulling it all together. Thank you so much for sharing your talents with us.
I can't tell you how often I have used your ideas for my Sharing Times. You are loved and appreciated.
I was at a loss for this month's sharing time! I LOVE the Conference Reverence Tent Article. Thanks for incorporating it, I may have missed it all together otherwise. Love your page - sure the Lord does too.
- Claudia, New Mexico
Thank you for the wonderful ideas! I have thought of you often. You are in my prayers. I hope that are feeling the peace that can only come from our Heavenly Father. Love, Mandy
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