Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Christmas Family Devotionals

( Salt Lake Nativity Image courtesy creative commons license flickr.com by sociotard Dec. 2008)

Yes. It's Thanksgiving and I'm posting ideas for Christmas. It's not that I'm all about turning on the holiday music and getting out the tree... thank you, I completely value Squanto.
I just like to be prepared when it comes to teaching.

This year an article from the May 2010 has been tugging at me. Elder Neil A. Andersen's Tell Me the Stories of Jesus has a rather lengthy list of questions to self reflect on when it comes to teaching our children. So in response, I decided to do 10 devotionals centered on this wonderful talk.

I met Elder Andersen once, so he has a special place in my heart. I'm very excited for the upcoming month and the learning opportunities!

Click HERE for the devotionals.

Click HERE for devotionals matching the letters C-H-R-I-S-T-M-A-S, centered on Christ-like qualities.

Click HERE for devotionals based on the theme, "Christmas is a time...."

And have a blessed and Happy Thanksgiving!!


Kim said...

Hi! I just thought you'd like to have the link to where you were linked from ldsliving.com. Here it is http://ldsliving.com/story/62575-november-2010-lds-primary-sharing-time-ideas-and-helps

Pretty cool! Thanks for sharing all of your great ideas with us!

Sofia's Primary Ideas said...

Thanks Sister Kim!