Sunday, April 27, 2014

Simple Mother's Day Activity and Not So Simple, but still doable, Mother's Day Gift

I'm pretty big on "time". I love things that encourage me to spend time with my kids. With that said, I decided on sending the kids home with a roll the dice game, flower version... "Dear Mother All Flowers Remind Me of You" (CS #202).

If you've never played a roll the dice drawing game, it's pretty simple. On the first roll, depending on what number you roll, you'll draw the center of the flower. You'll also need to see what you need to talk about depending on the number rolled! You do this 4 times until your flower is complete. Do as many flowers as you'd like together!!

We'll also have the children plant a little flower for their mother/special lady in a cup. If anyone would like a PDF of the game (courtesy, thank you thank you!!) and the instruction handout I made, please feel free to email me. I'll try to get back to you as quickly as I can.


Another gift I was toying around with... but just don't have the "umph" to put together for 80+ kids is based off a quote by Elder Holland. If I had less kids or was an Activity Day Leader it might be more doable!

"Often the greatest challenge of all for a young mother is simply fatigue. Through these years, mothers go longer on less sleep and give more to others with less personal renewal for themselves than any other group I know at any other time in life. It is not surprising when the shadows under their eyes sometimes vaguely resemble the state of Rhode Island.

Do the best you can through these years, but whatever else you do, cherish that role that is so uniquely yours and for which heaven itself sends angels to watch over you and your little ones."

Elder Jeffry R. Holland
Because She is A Mother April 1997

I made a coupon book, and thought that the children could make a simple relaxing sugar scrub.


You'd need some sort of small container, sugar, and dawn dish soap. The children could easily mix together the ingredients.

(Picture and Instructions found HERE,, essential oil not really essential)
Also, a nice eye mask that that older children could make (out of duct tape!!) and add a ribbon to.
(Picture and Instructions found HERE
Put everything together in a small plastic bag and there you have it!


Unknown said...

I would love a copy of the game, please. Thanks so much for sharing your ideas. You're amazing!

Hannah said...

Could you send me a copy of the game and the coupon book? Please! :) Thank you sooo sooo much!!!

Sofia's Primary Ideas said...

Sister Kathee- Thanks so much!!

Sister Hannah- I would love to send it to you, but you'll need to email me because I have no way to contact you! Thank you!!

Anonymous said...
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Nicole said...
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Erin said...
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Anonymous said...
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Sofia's Primary Ideas said...

Sisters- Thank you for your comments!! I did delete comments just because I don't want any weirdos getting a hold of your email.

Expressive Monkey said...

Hi There!
This is Stacey from Expressive Monkey. I just wanted to let you know that the "Wild Flowers" game if part of my "Drawing Flowers" set that you can get here:

Also, could you please make the image not pinnable and have it link to my store instead of just opening up?

Thanks in advance! I appreciate that you are sharing about this activity, but I also need to protect copyrighted material that is getting pinned with an image big enough to copy. (Although at a lower quality than the one you can buy, that doesn't stop people.)

Thanks a bunch!

Design For Cricut said...

If you've never played a roll the dice drawing game, it's pretty simple. On the first roll, depending on what number you roll, you'll draw the center of the flower. You'll also need to see what you need to talk about depending on the number rolled! You do this 4 times until your flower is complete. Do as many flowers as you'd like together!!
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