Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Questions????? A MUST READ!!!

I feel like this should be a standard copy in every binder and training for teachers. It's the best thing you'll EVER read as far as learning how to ask a good question!! Learning how to ask good questions will invite the spirit, plenty of participation, and help everyone be edified!

Prepare yourself. PURE GOLD AS FOLLOWS!!! I did add a few !!! marks because I tend to be a hyper person in regards to punctuation. !!! !!! !!! From Teaching, No Greater Call... word for word (pages 68-70)


"Jesus Christ, the Master Teacher, often asked questions to encourage people to ponder and apply the principles He taught. (see, for example, Matthew 16:13–15; Luke 7:41–42; 3 Nephi 27:27). His questions prompted thought, soul-searching, and commitment.

General Guidelines for Preparing Questions

Church-produced lesson manuals suggest many questions that you can use in lessons. Read them carefully to decide which will be most helpful for those you teach. You may also prepare your own questions. As you consider questions to use in a lesson, ask yourself,
“Will they help those I teach understand the main ideas of the lesson?
Will these questions help those I teach apply the gospel principles being taught?”

The following ideas may help you prepare your own questions.

Questions That Can Be Answered Yes or No

Questions that can be answered yes or no have limited use in gospel instruction. You should use them primarily to obtain commitments or to determine if someone agrees or disagrees.

Factual Questions

Factual questions are used to establish the basic facts of a scripture passage, event, or gospel principle. They have specific answers. They can help learners begin to study scripture passages, understand major points, review ideas, and overcome misconceptions.
For example:
- When Nephi’s brothers asked to be forgiven for binding him with cords, what was his immediate response?
- When and where was the Church organized?

Make sure that you do not ask only factual questions. They do not require much thought, and they may discourage those who do not know the answers. When you do use them, you should generally make sure that the information necessary to answer them is available to those you teach.

With factual questions, you can help everyone begin a discussion at the same point. You can then move to questions that prompt deeper thinking and help learners see how gospel principles apply in their lives.

Questions That Prompt Deeper Thinking

Some questions encourage learners to think deeply about the meaning of scripture passages and gospel principles. These questions often begin with the words what, how, or why. They cannot be answered with yes or no, and they usually have more than one right answer. For example:
- Why do you think this revelation came at this time in the history of the Church?
- What can this story teach about how the Lord helps those in need?
- How would you define faith?
- What does it mean to be meek?
- How is this object like the gospel principle we are discussing? (This is a good question to ask with an object lesson.)
- How was the reaction of Laman and Lemuel different from Nephi’s reaction?

When asking such questions, be open to all answers !!(see “Listening,” pages 66–67).

 Encourage learners to ponder the scriptures and gospel principles being discussed and to express their ideas. Do not try to get them to give specific answers to questions; they will quickly become aware of what you are doing and either stop participating or start guessing instead of thinking. When you need a specific answer, it is best to ask a factual question or present the information in some other way.

 Questions That Help Learners Apply Gospel Principles

It is important to ask questions that help learners apply gospel principles in their lives. For example:
 How has this promise from the Lord been fulfilled in your life?
 How do we sometimes make the same error as the people in this story?
 How can God’s chastening be a blessing to us?
 What are some circumstances today that are similar to the events in this scripture account?
  If you were this person, what would you do?
Ask learners to share examples of how they or others have applied the gospel principles being discussed. As
prompted by the Spirit, encourage them to bear testimony of the principles they discuss.

General Guidelines for Asking Questions

 Ask Questions That Learners Can Answer!!!!!

Do not use questions to show your own knowledge!!!!

Ask questions that will prompt thoughtful answers from those you teach!!!

Respond to Incorrect Answers with Respect and Courtesy

Occasionally someone will give an incorrect answer or an answer that shows little understanding. Others in the
group might laugh at such an answer. This might embarrass the individual and make him or her hesitant to participate in the future. It can interfere with his or her learning.Respond to incorrect answers with respect and courtesy!!!!!
Ensure that the individual still feels comfortable participating.

You may choose to take responsibility yourself by saying something like, “I’m sorry. I don’t think I asked that
question very clearly. Let me try again.” Or you could rescue the individual by saying, “Perhaps you were thinking of something else” or “Thank you for bringing that up, but I’m not sure my question was clear.” Such responses will help those you teach feel more and more comfortable participating, even when they think they might be risking a wrong answer.

Wait for Responses

Do not be concerned if learners are silent for a few seconds after you have asked a question. Do not answer your own question; allow time for learners to think of responses. However, prolonged silence may indicate that they do not understand the question and that you need to rephrase it!!!!

 Use Follow-Up Questions

Follow-up questions can help learners think more deeply about a principle they are discussing. For example,
if learners suggest one way that a scripture account can be likened to themselves, you might ask, “What else can we learn from this story?”

Give Everyone an Opportunity to Speak

To encourage more learners to participate, you may want to direct some follow-up questions to those who have not yet made comments during the lesson.
If several people have comments about a subject, you may want to say something like, “We’ll hear your comments first and then yours.” Then those you teach will remain orderly because they know that they will have an opportunity to speak. 

Help Learners Prepare to Answer Questions

To help learners prepare to answer questions, you may want to tell them before something is read or presented
that you will be asking for their responses (see the “look for” and “listen for” approaches in “Teaching from the
Scriptures,” page 55). For example, you could say, “Listen as I read this passage so that you can share what most interests you about it” or “As this scripture is read, see if you can understand what the Lord is telling us
about faith.”

Avoid Questions That Create Controversy or Encourage Argument

The Savior said, “He that hath the spirit of contention is not of me” (3 Nephi 11:29; see also verses 28 and 30).
Be careful not to ask questions that promote argument or highlight sensational issues. Do not ask questions that create doubt or that lead to discussions that fail to edify. Make sure that your questions move learners toward a unity of faith and love (see Mosiah 18:21). When there is disagreement, strive to emphasize points of agreement and correct doctrine.

Occasionally Ask Questions That Prompt Silent Reflection

You may occasionally choose to ask questions that learners should ponder silently rather than answer in
an open discussion. For example:
    What have you done today that is moving you toward eternal life?
    Have you failed to do something today that would have moved you toward eternal life?

Creative Uses of Questions

You may want to use questions in some of the following ways:

Write questions on wordstrips, and tape the wordstrips to the bottoms of chairs. At appropriate times during the discussion, ask each person to remove the question from his or her chair. Then have him or her read the question and respond to it.

Ask each learner to write one question based on a gospel principle or verse of scripture. Gather the questions and discuss them.

Ask individuals to role-play characters of their choice in the lesson, and let the others ask them questions
(see “Role Playing,” page 178). This works particularly well with children.

During the week before the lesson, give questions to a few learners. Ask them to prepare to respond to those
questions as part of the coming lesson.

Use the following questions to discuss a gospel principle:

“What do we already know about this principle?” “What do we want to know?” “What have we learned
today?” You can form the basis of the lesson by having learners answer these questions and then writing their
answers in three columns on the chalkboard.

Write a question on the chalkboard before class begins so that learners can begin pondering it as soon as they

 Have learners answer questions by finding and reading appropriate scriptures or hymns. Ask learners to respond to questions by sharing examples from their own lives.

Divide the class into small groups. Give each group a few questions to consider. Then have each group report
their answers to the class.

Additional Information
For additional help, see “Plan and Conduct Meaningful Discussions,” pages 303–4 in the “Gospel Teaching and
Leadership” section of the Church Handbook of Instructions.

July 2014 LDS Primary Sharing Time Helps & Ideas

Joseph Smith Free Image from
Monthly Theme: We become members of the Church by baptism and confirmation.
Monthly Scripture: "Except a man be born of water and of the Spirit, he cannot enter into the kingdom of heaven." John 3:5

Week 1 The Church of Jesus Christ has been restored.

* HERE is an excellent resource from The Friend. It talks about a mom and child restoring a piece of furniture. There is a puzzle activity included that you could attach questions, scriptures, and songs to about The Restoration. You could put pieces under primary friends' chairs. Have primary friends try to put the puzzle together one piece at a time as they come to the front and answer the question on back. (Or scripture...etc.)

* HERE is a ready to use sharing time!! It is called "Partial Pictures". Have the children look up the scripture and match it to the picture. You can always show them the complete picture after!
Some questions to go along with the #'d pictures:
1.What priesthood did Peter, James, and John restore?
How does the Melchizedek priesthood bless our lives?
2. Sing An Angel Came to Joseph Smith (CS #86 )
Why do you think Heavenly Father sent the angel Moroni to Joseph?
What would you do if an angel came to you? Can you think of any scripture stories where an angel came to deliver a message from Heavenly Father?
3. How does it make you feel to know that God appeared to a young boy?
Why do you think Joseph Smith was chosen to help restore the church?
(Look carefully at that question, why do "you"- this isn't about being right or wrong, encourage the children to really think about things and value their answers!)
What did Heavenly Father say to Joseph?
4. What temple did Elijah appear to Joseph?
What did Elijah restore to Joseph and Oliver?
Sing The Hearts of The Children ( CS #92)
5. Read James 1:5
What are things we can do to gain wisdom?
Can anyone give ideas or tips on how to make scripture study meaningful?
6. What are some of your favorite stories from The Book of Mormon?
Why do you read The Book of Mormon?
What knowledge did The Book of Mormon restore?

* Invite a primary friend to the front. Ask them if you are standing in front of them. Are they sure? Well, that isn't the only thing we can be sure of!! Elder Holland in our last conference said, "I bear witness of that gospel and that Church, with a particular witness of restored priesthood keys which unlock the power and efficacy of saving ordinances. I am more certain that those keys have been restored and that those ordinances are once again available through The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints than I am certain I stand before you at this pulpit and you sit before me in this conference." (The Cost & Blessings of Discipleship, April 2014, such a great talk!!)
     Time to play... Are you sure?? Have about 20 statements, either fact or fiction/true or false, in regards to The Church being restored!! Make sure to have plenty of visuals to go along with statements. Have a child come up front and draw a statement from a bag. Then have the primary stand up if they are sure the statement is right!
Some sample statements:
The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints was organized April 6, 1830. (true)
Joseph Smith had a vision of only an angel. (FALSE!!! He saw God the Father and Jesus)
Why is this so important to know??
The Aaronic Priesthood was restored by John the Baptist. (True)
Could you be baptized if this hadn't have happened?? Read D&C 22:2
     It's OK if we aren't sure about some things in life. But if we seek, we will find. Bear testimony! I am sure that God the Father lives and that He loves us. I am sure as the keyboard I type on that Christ is my best friend. The Gospel is restored!!

Week 2 I become a member of the Church through baptism and confirmation.

As with all guest speakers in primary, check with your Bishop first.

* Invite a few primary friends to share some thoughts about their baptism!!

* Invite the missionaries in to talk a little on baptism and confirmation! Ask them to share one really special story of someone they helped to become a member of The Church.

* "We are all welcome to come into the waters of baptism." Elder Hales (The Covenant of Baptism, Oct. 2002)
Who here has a door mat to their home that says Welcome? Like Elder Hales says, we are all welcome to come into the waters of baptism!! Baptism is the door that helps us to enter the Kingdom of God!
     Have a welcome mat and invite a child up front to stand on it. Turn 7-10 paper envelopes into little doors by drawing on them. Invite the child to choose a door and open it. Inside the envelopes have questions, scriptures, and songs having to do with baptism and confirmation.
     Inevitably, hopefully... You will have a child that will say, "But babies aren't welcome in the waters of baptism!" Give them 1,500 points for that answer! They are right. If they ask what the points earn them, it's just points for being the most awesome person ever! At 10 points you are awesome and you have 1,500!! Don't be afraid to have conversations with the children you teach. Just make sure you are teaching DOCTRINE!! Click HERE if you need more insight on the topic.

* Question: What do members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints who are from the USA, Haiti, Brazil, Ethiopia, and Russia.. or any country for that matter, have in common?
We have all been baptized and confirmed! That's 15 MILLION of us!! How exciting!!
      "As a Latter-day Saint you are also a member of a worldwide church with members in over 170 nations. Even if you move to another neighborhood, city, or country, there will be a congregation that you will belong to. And all of the same blessings and privileges will be yours—including the blessing of fellowship. The gospel makes brothers and sisters of all of us, and wherever we go in the world, we find others with whom we have something very significant in common." ( gospel topic membership)
     Hide pictures of 7-10 flags from around the world all over the primary room. Have questions, scriptures and songs on baptism and confirmation attached to them. You can sing I Belong To The Church of Jesus Christ ( CS #77 ) while children look.
      No matter where in the world you are, there are baptized and confirmed Saints willing to help and love you! What a blessing to be a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints.

Week 3 The Holy Ghost comforts and guides me.
* The Primary Children will be the teachers today!! Wow!! Exciting. Did you prepare a lesson children? That's OK. All we need is our scriptures and some paper. Divide into groups (4-5 minutes) and give the children the following scriptures (or scriptures of your choice) about the Holy Ghost. Invite them to draw a picture about what they learned and be prepared to share what the scripture talks about. Tell the children to feel free to talk about any special experiences or feelings they have had with The Holy Ghost. For the rest of sharing time have a couple from the group come up and share their picture and thoughts. Make sure to thank them for doing such a great job teaching!!
     From Doctrines of the Gospel Student Manual Chapter 5:The Holy Ghost:
The Holy Ghost knows all things see D&C 35:19; Moroni 10:5; Moses 6:61
The Holy Ghost testifies of the Father and the Son see D&C 20:27; 3 Nephi 28:11
The Holy Ghost is a comforter see John 14:26; Moroni 8:26; Acts 9:31
The Holy Ghost brings to our remembrance truths that we have been taught earlier see John 14:26
The Holy Ghost is a teacher and a revelator see Luke 12:11–12; John 14:26; 2 Nephi 32:5; Alma 5:46–47; D&C 8:2–3
The Holy Ghost guides us to all truth and shows us what we should know and do see John 16:13; Moroni 10:5; D&C 39:6; 2 Nephi 32:5; Moses 8:24
Recycled ideas from previous posts:

*"The gift of the Holy Ghost operates equally with men, women, and even little children. It is within this wondrous gift and power that the spiritual remedy to any problem can be found. 'And now, he imparteth his word by angels unto men, yea, not only men but women also. Now this is not all; little children do have words given unto them many times, which confound the wise and the learned' (Alma 32:23)." Boyd K. Packer, "Prayer and Promptings," Ensign, Nov. 2009, 45  
       Have a first aid kit. Invite the children to come up and choose items from the kit that have questions, songs and scriptures about the Holy Ghost on them.

* Have the word “Holy Ghost” written in about 10 different languages on the board.
“In every language, the Spirit of God—the Holy Ghost—guides, or can guide, every member of the Church.” Boyd K. Packer, "The Cloven Tongues of Fire,” Ensign, May 2000, 7  
      Have a globe with small numbers attached. Invite a child to come up and spin the globe, using their finger to stop it. Have the numbers correspond to questions, songs and scriptures having to do with the Holy Ghost.

* Has anyone ever stayed at a hotel when they've gone on vacation? What was it like? There is a hotel called The Comfort Inn... do you think if you stayed there forever you would have comfort forever? Maybe, maybe not. There is only one real way to have comfort all the time, and that is by having the Holy Ghost with you. He is the true comforter!!

     Make a mock "comfort in" room- a small blanket, pillow, table with a flower vase. Let the child come up front and get cozy at the comfort in... then ask them questions having to do with the Holy Ghost or have them read short stories of people who were comforted or guided by The Holy Ghost.
Week 4 I can know the truth through the power of The Holy Ghost.

* From our most recent general conference, April 2014, "Another truth I have come to know is that the Holy Ghost is real. He is the third member of the Godhead. His mission is to testify of truth and righteousness. He manifests Himself in many ways, including feelings of peace and reassurance. He can also bring comfort, guidance, and correction when needed. The companionship of the Holy Ghost is maintained throughout our lives by righteous living.
     The gift of the Holy Ghost is conferred through an ordinance of the gospel. One with authority lays his hands on the head of a new member of the Church and says words such as these: “Receive the Holy Ghost.”
     This ordinance alone does not change us in a noticeable way, but if we listen and follow the promptings, we will receive the blessing of the Holy Ghost. Each son or daughter of our Heavenly Father can come to know the reality of Moroni’s promise: “By the power of the Holy Ghost ye may know the truth of all things” (Moroni 10:5; emphasis added)." President Boyd K. Packer (The Witness)

* Sister Silvia  H. Allred wrote in The Friend of her conversion story, "When I was 14 years old, two missionaries knocked at our door. They began teaching my family about the true nature of God. In the visits that followed, they taught us how to pray. They also taught us about the Restoration and the plan of salvation. After the third or fourth visit, most of my family stopped listening to the missionaries, except for my 17-year-old sister, Dina, and me. We both felt the witness of the Holy Ghost in our hearts and received the spiritual confirmation that the message was true.
     My sister and I obtained a copy of the Book of Mormon and began reading it. Every day after school, we raced home to get to the book first. While the first one home was reading, the other one impatiently waited until mealtime, ate in a hurry, and then took her turn reading until bedtime. Such was the excitement we felt."
     Have some reverent races!!! Invite 2 children at a time to walk reverently, but quickly to some point in the room. The first person there gets to answer a question about a story from The Book of Mormon that talks about the Holy Ghost. HOWEVER!! If the first person isn't being reverent, by default the question goes to the other friend. If it's a tie, the wonderful primary pianist will decide who answers the question! Make sure to have pictures to go along with questions!
     Some questions could include:   Did Nephi know beforehand what he should do went he went to get the brass plates? What truth did the spirit testify to him that he should do when he found Laban?
   How was the Liahona like The Holy Ghost?
   Read Jacob 7:8. Sherem was an anti-Christ who wanted a sign from God. He was a liar and very wicked. He said many things that were wrong. How did the Holy Ghost help Jacob?
   What were some things King Benjamin testified to his people? Did the Holy Ghost testify to the people the truth of his words? See if you can fill in the scripture to describe this experience, "And it came to pass that after they had spoken these words the Spirit of the Lord came upon them, and they were filled with _____________________" (Mosiah 4:3) JOY!!! The Holy Ghost also helped to change their ways and they never wanted to sin again! (Mosiah 5:1-2)
   What did the Holy Ghost do for Abinadi? (He protected him so he could finish his message Mosiah 13:3,5)
   Who were Alma and Amulek? How did they meet each other? They preached together the word of God and the Holy Ghost was with them. In fact the Holy Ghost helped them a lot!! See Alma 8:30-32
      End with the following quote:
Elder Henry B. Eyring has said, "Here, then, is a simple summary: the Holy Ghost’s mission is to testify of the Savior. The Book of Mormon is a testament of Jesus Christ. So the Holy Ghost always comes to those who read and ponder the message of the book that Jesus is the Christ." (How to Know the Truth, New Era May 2004)
* Tell a couple short stories about the pioneers. They endured a lot!! They did so because The Holy Ghost testified to them the truth! HERE is a link to build a handcart and to help remember today's stories!
Here is one story:
"Phoebe Carter was similarly led 750 miles (1,200 km) from Scarboro, Maine, to Kirtland, Ohio, in 1835. Phoebe was 28 years old when she determined to gather with Church members, even though she had to make her trek alone. As she later reported: “My friends marvelled at my course, as did I, but something within impelled me on. My mother’s grief at my leaving home was almost more than I could bear; and had it not been for the spirit within I should have faltered at the last. My mother told me she would rather see me buried than going thus alone into the heartless world. … ‘Phoebe,’ she said, impressively, ‘will you come back to me if you find Mormonism false?’ I answered thrice, ‘Yes, mother, I will.’ … When the time came for my departure I dared not trust myself to say farewell, so I wrote my good-bye to each, and leaving them on my table, ran down stairs and jumped into the carriage. Thus I left my beloved home of childhood to link my life with the Saints of God.”6
At that point Phoebe had no idea that her footsteps of faith would lead her on a journey much longer than the 750 miles (1,200 km) to Kirtland. She would marry Wilford Woodruff and join with him in journeying through Missouri to Nauvoo and then on the 1,350-mile (2,170-km) trek through wilderness lands to the Great Salt Lake Valley." (July 2013 Pioneer Faith and Fortitude, Elder Russell M. Ballard)
* I really like Hidden Pictures because my children do!! A very easy sharing time is to enlarge THIS (A Pioneer Hidden Picture from The Friend) Ask the primary friends why they think the pioneers decided to join the church and head west. The Holy Ghost was strong in testifying to them the truth!! Have scriptures, songs, and questions about the Holy Ghost on a piece of small paper. On the other side of those questions, scriptures and songs have these words: an alarm clock, baseball bat, bowling ball, cap, carrot, golf club, ladybug, paintbrush, peas in a pod, salt and pepper shakers, slice of bread, slice of pizza, slice of watermelon, toaster, toothbrush. (One to one correlation, question/thing to find)
After the child draws a piece of paper, they have to answer the question and then find that item in the picture!! If they need help they can invite a couple more primary friends up to help them!
* Go on a pioneer trek to find out more about the holy ghost!!! Set up 4 chairs up front. 2 drivers and 2 riders. Have aprons, bonnets, hats and simple things to have the children become pioneers. Make an ox!!
I love the FREE cardboard in between toilet paper at Costco! It's huge! Caution, you will look like a hoarder as you haul it out.
   Have stories, songs, scriptures, questions about The Holy Ghost. Switch children every so often to drive on as you learn more!!

Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Father's Day Gift Idea

We're doing brownies in clear plastic cups, placed in clear bags and tied with ribbon.
Then we'll print off this poem (you can click on it for a better view) on cardstock and let the children draw pictures and add a few reasons why they love ________________.

I left it blank on purpose so that it doesn't necessarily have to be for a dad. It can be for a grandpa or uncle or even a brother!!
I wrote this poem, feel free to use for non-commercial purposes.
Brownie points for ______________ !
Always giving, always kind.
Serving all our family,
True charity defined!
If you'd like a pdf file of it, feel free to email me. I'll get it to you as quickly as I can!
If you're in the Reno/Sparks, NV area, we're also attaching free book coupons to Grassroots books!

Sunday, June 8, 2014

LDS Great to be 8 Night Ideas!!

So I quickly glanced over the handbook and couldn't find anything in regards to holding a baptism preview/preparation /Great to be 8 night. I did see this though,
"Bishops give special attention to 7-year-old children in the ward, ensuring that their parents, Primary leaders and teachers, and home teachers help them prepare for baptism and confirmation."
(Handbook 2: 20.3.1)
If you are a primary president, pray about it and counsel with your bishop.
I just wanted to share what we did the other night as a presidency.
It's an exciting time for 7 year olds as they prepare especially hard this year for baptism. Why not help them and families?
Our theme for the night was Alma 5:62 "Come and be baptized unto repentance, that ye also may be partakers of the fruit of the tree of life."
We wanted to keep things short and simple. We each spoke for about 5-7 minutes, using visuals, on the following:
What is baptism? (examples of baptism from the scriptures)
Why are we baptized? (covenants we make with Heavenly Father)
What can we do to prepare for baptism? (this whole life is a preparation to meet God again, introduction to Faith in God program and how it helps us to prepare to partake of the fruit of the tree of life, hand out booklets)
Holy Ghost, Comforter, and Friend
We made sure to ask questions and get everyone involved!
In between why we are baptized and what can we do to prepare for baptism, we had 3 children share some thoughts/testimony about their own baptisms. THIS WAS THE BEST PART OF THE NIGHT!!!!
Boy, those kiddos rocked it! They were super thoughtful!
We then invited the Ward Mission Leader to share some thoughts. He was wonderful and talked about the importance of writing down in a journal all about your baptism!
The bishop concluded with his testimony. He also talked about the baptism interview and how they didn't need to be nervous! We are so lucky to have great priesthood leaders in our ward who are engaging and enthusiastic!
Refreshments were based off that theme... fruity desserts! We had fruit pizza, fruit cookies, and strawberry shortcake. woman's frosting was lovely!! Just cream cheese and marshmallow creme!
It was simple, the spirit was felt. We had handouts for the kids, including
It's a great way to learn those covenants!! Practice at night or in the car to school!
Study guide to baptism! One thing to note is "Baptism must be preceded by repentance." Remember for children, baptism doesn't wash away sins because they don't have any. However, they can still make mistakes and say sorry!! I bring it up because I feel it's very important that children understand the type of God, our loving Father is.
I've used it with my daughter and it is a treasure. I'm so glad to have things documented so we can remember!! Plus it's been a big help to her to write down definitions to really understand the articles of faith. We printed these packets out and spiral bound them.
And then, for the grand finale... I need to tell you about Sister Dalton.
Sister Dalton is an amazing woman, who is possibly perfect in every way. I'm actually very surprised she hasn't been translated. She's the type of woman who can do ANYTHING. And do it well!!!
We were a little early to set up the room and she gracefully entered wearing an outfit modest, elegant, and utterly fabulous. She walks into a room and takes your breath away she is so beautiful!!
And it's not just because she is so put together, it's because you can feel her warm soul.
You know that she is there to help. You know she will be there for whatever you need.
I know the world is full of Sister Daltons. Hopefully you have one in your life too. To teach you. To love you. To inspire you. To bring you closer to Christ through their example.
Anyways. She sewed these amazing towels with CTR on them for the children.
They were just lovely and the kids were thrilled!
There used to be a rule that Presidency members couldn't give gifts to children, but I scanned the handbook and couldn't find anything that said that. PLEASE.... if someone knows something I don't and can show me a current documented source, PLEASE let me know!!
We attached a poem I found HERE
I saw quite a few poems, but that one was my favorite.
For a great tutorial on how to make them, one little green tree (her image below) has simple and easy directions!
The fruit of the tree of life is the love of God. I know that a merciful Father has made possible a plan for us to return to Him. Only through Christ can we be saved. They have given us commandments and we have the privilege to choose to follow or not. Baptism is glorious! And life with the Holy Ghost is the best!! I know this to be true. In the name of my Savior, Jesus Christ. Amen.