Sunday, December 31, 2017

FHE: Goals & Using TIME Wisely

Persistence of Memory by Salvador Dali

Opening Activity: "he who is faithful and wise in time is accounted worthy to inherit the mansions prepared for him of my Father” D&C 72:4
Let's brainstorm what a mansion might be like in heaven with Heavenly Father. Grab a white board and draw it out. Add descriptive words and make a list of how it might feel to be there. But in order to inherit the mansion, what does the scripture say we must do?

Lesson: Hide the following quotes by clocks in your house, read and answer the question.

President Dieter F. Uchtdorf reminded us that “in family relationships love is really spelled t-i-m-e” (Of Things That Matter Most, Ensign, Nov. 2010)
Add the word TIME to your family mansion, because in heaven we'll have lots of it! Let's use our time now to carefully prepare for our time (hopefully!!) in Heavenly Father's mansion above!!

End with Sharing of Testimonies

Follow Up For the Next Week: What is a goal you'd like to have for the new year? What can you do this week to work on that goal?

Saturday, December 30, 2017

FHE General Conference 2017: Lord, Wilt Thou Cause That My Eyes May Be Opened

Opening Activity: What is the story of The Lion King about? Hakuna Matata means no worries! Was there a greater purpose for The Lion King rather than partying in the jungle? He smartly followed the counsel, "look beyond what you see."

Today we are going to learn from a General Conference talk by Elder W. Craig Zwick, Lord, Wilt Thou Cause That My Eyes May Be Opened.
But in order to do that we need to go on SAFARI!!! There are some African animals in the Savannah of this room. We'll take turns using our binoculars and find #1 and so on! Once we find #1 we'll read a quote and answer a question. Thanks for your help adventurers!!! And if you need suntan lotion, let me know!

(Below, you can mouse over a box in the top right hand corner. It will take you to google docs and you can print for free.)

The Lion King went from eating bugs to ruling a kingdom of animals. We need to look beyond what we see sometimes! Especially when it comes to people. We can't judge or condemn, that is Heavenly Father's business, not ours! We are commanded to LOVE, or as Elder Zwick said, "Truth mandates our highest allegiance, though it should never be a barrier to kindness."

End Lesson with Testimonies

Follow Up for the Next Week: Smile at 3 people you don't know this week. How did that make you feel? How do you think those people felt?

FHE Book of Mormon Stories: Coriantumr & Shiz

Shiz by James H. Fullmer

Opening Activity: Have some hard play dough and some soft play dough. Which one is better to play with, mold, and create?

For Family Home Evening we are going to take a look at 2 Jaredite Kings in the Book of Ether, from The Book of Mormon. At the end of our lesson we need to figure out whether they were like hard play dough or soft play dough.

For smaller kids, please use the play dough to create the warriors Coriatumr & Shiz or their swords while we read. Also if you notice attention levels dropping, you can take a break and arm wrestle like the mighty warrior Jaredite kings. Now back to the scriptures!

Read the following scriptures and quotes as a family, taking turns:
(There is a small box in the right hand corner which if you mouse over will take you to google docs to print for free)

Final Questions:
What is pride?
What can we learn from this story?
Has there ever been a time in your life where you have battled for something? Was it worth it and why?

How were Coriantumr and Shiz like the hard play dough? Did they have hard hearts?

What should we do in our lives to make sure our hearts are soft and full of love, not hard and hateful?
(Hold up the play dough figures and admire!)

End Lesson with Testimonies

Follow up for the week: Do something selfless this week for another person. Take one day to focus on yourself and if your choices are hard hearted or soft and loving.

New Year, New Ideas

Hello Friends!!

10 years. 10 years!!!

And finally the last 2 months, I felt like it was time for me to redirect my efforts.

I love Primary!!! I have a deep love children and their care free spirits. The way they look at life and their developing minds. They offer hope to me.

However, I just feel like it's time for me to do something different. There is a search option on the blog and categories on the side you can click for ideas for sharing times. I will leave content up and pray that it can be of some use to someone out there!

What I do plan on doing is Family Home Evening Ideas. This year, after prayer, I feel for my family that it will be good to focus on the following:
1. Book of Mormon Stories
2. General Conference Talks
3. Gospel Principles
4. Lessons given by my children (their choice)

So! I'll be posting my lesson plans because I feel like lessons go better, for me personally, when I'm prepared.

Also, I might just post random spiritual thoughts or insights. In the long run of things, I hope that my children can come to this blog and find ideas and inspiration. That whatever is posted can help them come closer to Christ.

Thank you so much!!! Hope you had a wonderful holiday season!!