Friday, September 26, 2008

You Are My Sunshine

Tomorrow is Sister C's baptism and I was asked to give a talk on the Holy Ghost. I post this for my own records but also because it can EASILY be adapted to a great Family Home Evening or possible sharing time. Should you write your own talks? Yes!! How else do you expect to get closer to Heavenly Father. But at the same time, these are some wonderful modern day revelations given that can greatly bless and enrich your life, so please enjoy.

What to do:
I made a posterboard of a giant sun with a picture of Christ and 2 little children in the middle. I then made 6 storm clouds to cover the sun and on the back of each cloud was a question (correspondingly found below). I started off with a quote from President Henry B. Eyring and also closed with a quote from him adding of course my own personal testimony. I was going to have Sister C (Who is 8 years old) take off the clouds and help answer the questions with me adding additional information from the prophets and scriptures.

Henry B. Eyring (Because He first Loved Us p.4), “The truth of most worth is to know God our Heavenly Father, His Son, Jesus Christ and Their plan for us to have eternal life with Them in families. When God communicates that priceless truth to us, He does it by the Spirit of Truth. We have to ask for it in prayer. Then He sends us a small part of that truth by the Spirit. It comes to our hearts and minds. It feels good, like the light from the sun shining through the clouds on a dark day.”

The Storm Delayed by Ms.Kathleen June 13, 2007

1. Who is the 3rd member of the Godhead?
"The holy ghost is the third member of the Godhead. He is a Spirit, in the form of a man… The Holy Ghost is a personage of Spirit, and has a spirit body ONLY. He mission is to bear witness of the Father and the Son and of all truth." Joseph Fielding Smith Doctrines of Salvation 1:38
2. What are some things the Holy Ghost does?
Sanctifier- “He is also a cleansing agent… we can pray for the Holy Ghost to be our companion with assurance He will come. When we ask in faith, a change can come in our natures.” Henry B Eyring Because He first Loved Us p.149
3. Can you have the Holy Ghost with you any time and any place?
"This Comforter is, by his influence, to be a CONSTANT companion to every baptized person, and to administer unto the members of the Church by revelation and guidance, knowledge of the truth that they may walk in its light." Joseph Fielding Smith Answers to Gospel Questions 2:149-150
BUT “Sin in any form offends the Holy Ghost. You must not do anything or go anywhere that offends the Spirit. You cannot afford that risk.” Henry B. Eyring Because He first Loved Us p.177
4. What invites the Holy Ghost to be close to us?
Prayer, Scripture study, doing good!!
Henry B. Eyring Because He first Loved Us p.15 “Whatever invites the Holy Ghost to be your companion will bring you greater wisdom and greater ability to obey God.”
5. What does Moroni 10:5 say?
6. Who is the Holy Spirit of Promise?

“The Holy Spirit of Promise is the Holy Ghost who places the stamp of approval upon every ordinance: baptism, confirmation, ordination, marriage. The promise is that the blessings will be received through faithfulness… Every ordinances is sealed with a promise of a reward based on faithfulness. The Holy Spirit withdraws the stamp of approval where covenants are broken.” Smith Doctrines of Salvation 1:45

Henry B. Eyring Because He first Loved Us p.150 You, sweet Sister C and all of us, “Must choose to receive the Gift of the Holy Ghost. The words of confirmation into the Church are an invitation: “Receive the Holy Ghost.” And that choice must be made not once, but every day, every hour, every minute.”

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